The Music & Stories


Let There Be More Light

"Let ThereBe More Light" handelt vom Konflikt zwischen einem Fischer und einem König

Let There Be More Light
When I Was King
Changing Lives
The Desert
The City
Waiting For The Dawn
No Friend Of Mine
Party Song
Too Long In This City
Two Candles

Let There Be More Light

"Let There Be More Light" stellt zwei Charaktere vor wie sie unterschiedlicher nicht sein können aber trotzdem eine Gemeinsamket haben, denn jeder der beiden nimmt für sich in Anspruch das "innere Licht" zu besitzen.

Let There Be More Light

Let there be more light, let there be more light...

Dont wanna return to a house filled with pain, dont wanna return to a house filled with hate
I have to change my mind, have to rearrange my mind
Let there be more light, let there be more light...

Once there was a little king somewhere in the west.
His landholding was not so big, but his healthy was quite nice.
He had his queen, he had his prince twelfe, horses and much wine.
Thoug his palace was electrified he had no light inside.
He was in fear for his queen he feared for the prince.
He was afraid of robbering and of other things.
He feared for his treasure he feared for his life noone should look inside.
So he told his security "turn off all the lights"

Show me your switch, to turn on again your inner light
Show me your sun i will try to make him shine again

Nearby lived a fisherman with his fisherwife.
They thankfully pulled in the cap for the next day of their live.
The little king could not find out where this light came from
He was the owner of a supermarket and this guys only had fish

Give me your candle light let me light it for you.
Lead me to your fireplace let us light the fire again

Let there be more light, let there be more light...

Asli - Bass & Vocals
Malt30 - Drums,
Fitzwilliam  - Keys
Sinha - Vocals
SirTruesound - Master
Stonyroad - Guitars & Vocals
Zehnvorsechs - Mix

When I Was King

Eine Erzählung aus dem Jenseits
Der Tyrann erfuhr einst von einem Mann der behauptet das "Licht" zu besitzen und beschloß diesem eine Lektion zu erteilen

When I Was King

When I was king every child had to praise my name.
When I was king everyone had to kiss my ass

When I was king I was the god of their world.
When I was king, I was their begin and their end
It was a nice time, such a fine time when I was king

When I was king no one was higher than me
When I was king no one in the spotlight but me but me
It was a nice time, such a fine time when I was kinging

Being king was so beautiful, living like a god
Being king was so wonderful, deciding between death and life

There was this fucking man who didn't understand that the
brightest light burns inside his king
So I had to sent my special friends to give him a lesson he would forget
And so he had to learn, 'cause I was the king

Being king was so magical, being king was so nice
Being king was so wonderful, deciding between death and life

When I was king it was deadly to raise the voice.
When I was king heads rolled along my way.
When, when, when, when I was King

Asli - Bass & Vocals
Malt30 - Drums,
Fitzwilliam  - Keys
SirTruesound - Master
SouthsideB - Mix
Stonyroad - Guitars & Vocals


Changing Lives

Auch eine Erzählung aus dem Jenseits:
Die Geschichte des Fischers der sich nach der königlichen Lektion seinerseits aufmacht dem König eine Lektion zu erteilen.

Changing Lives

Once I was a fisherman, must have been in another life.
Had my son had my wife had my light inside, taking my bread from the sea.

Ugly how time flowes, seasons go by, weathers are changing sunshine and rain.

Then I was a broken man, must have been in another life.
My son and my wife were taken from me, nearly lost my light

Ugly how time flowes, seasons go by, weather is changing sunshine and rain

Changing lives, changing times, flowing water, flowing life.

Next I was a wander man, running through heat and through pain
Then I was a figthing man, must have been in another life.

Ugly how time flowes, seasons go by, Weather is changing sunshine and rain.

Changing lives, changing times, flowing water, flowing life

Now I am an empty man, no sword no fish no light.
Hear the words of broken man and help him find his light

Ugly how time flowes, seasons go by, weathers are changing sunshine and rain.
Changing lives, changing times, flowing water, flowing life

The Desert

Die Reise des Fischers durch die Wüste

The Desert

Someday comes the day when you have to leave your home and your ship, your bread and your fish
'cause behind is whats behind

I've heard that my troubles can be solved in the west ,so I see no reaons why I sould stay home.
I'm ready, yeah, I'm ready to go.

So I walk through the desert, nothing to loose.Passing the desert, got to change my mind

I know there is hunger, I know there is thirst.I know there waits madness, I know there waits hell.
But I, I won't change my mind.

I will pray for the evening, I will pray for the dawn..I will try to keep to keep cool, I will try to get warm.
One time good but the other one bad.

So I walk through the desert, I've got nothing to loose.Run through the desert, gonna change my live.

I've got to run run run, got to move, move, move. I've got to run run run, got to move, move, move.
I've got to run, I've got to move, I've got to run, run, move, I've go to move.

No matter if sunshine burns my life away.No matter if sandstorms eat my skin away.Oh my love.

And someday comes the day I was waiting for, the desert behind me the city In front.
Behind is what's be behind

So I walk throug the city and I walk through its streets.I sit in the bars and I waist my time, uh uh uh uh,oh yeah

Run throug your desert, run through you hell.Find yourself, no time to loose.
run through your desert, run through your hell, find yourself, no time to loose

The City

The City

Intro (instrumental) Nach der Zeit in der heißen Wüste gelangt der Fischer in eine Stadt

Die unterdrückten Bewohner(sheep)  Erster Kontakt mit den Einwohnern
We are the city, we are the city, we are the city yes we are
We are the city, we are the city, we are the city yes we are

Die Soldaten des Königs(dogs) Die Anführer bemerken die Ankunft des Fischers und  teilen ihm mit wie er sich zu verhalten hat:
When your king someday comes you have to fall down to the ground.
When your king someday comes it is forbidden to look in his eyes.
Your king is the owner of the light, the protector of your poorly life
'cause all that he says and all theat he does is thousand times more worth than you

Die Warnung unterdrückten Bewohner(sheep) Die unterwürfigen Einwohner wiederholen die Litanei
We never raise our face, always look down to the ground.
Never look into his eyes, we live to serve and die

We are the city, we are the city,we are the city yes we are

 Die Kriecher(rats):
Nun trifft er auf Leute die sich als die besten Freunde des Königs bezeichnen. zum Kreis der Vertrauten zugehörig. Aber gleichzeitig sagen sie wenn nur der Richtige käme wären sie sofort bereit den Herrscher "abzuservieren". Es ist klar das diese Leute immer nur dem folgen werden, der die Macht hat.
They sing their songs when they march trough our street about their honor their king and the stupid sheep.
They rape our wives they slay our men, they rule our city with an iron hand. They are not cool, not really cool
He thinks he's the master, he thinks he's tuff behind his armor he can't see he is not.
We hang in the streets we are watching the scenes let them believe we are thick as bricks.
We are so cool,really so cool, so cool. We are so cool, really so cool .
The night comes down and they suckle their beer We hear the stories of the glory years.
Every secret, every little thing and so we find the little king.
That's really cool, yeah really cool. Cool, cool, cool


Bei "City" hat der Fischer die drei Gruppierungen innerhalb der Stadt kennengelernt: Die Schafe, die Hunde und die Ratten. Er ist jetzt ziemlich depremiert weil er erkennt, dass er sich von keiner der Gruppen Hilfe erwarten darf. Die Schafe sind hoffnungslos verängstigt und unterwürfig. Die Hunde terrorisieren die Schafe und unterstützen den kleinen König. Die Ratten schwatzen bloß was sie für Kerle sind aber das wars auch schon.....

In einer Opiumhöhle trifft er den Besitzer Snake. Bald stellt sich heraus, dass dieser Snake genau der Typ war, der der guten alten Eva den süßen roten Apfel (eigentlich wars ein rotes Kondom) zukommen lies. Wie es bei Ãœberwesen wie dem Luzi halt so üblich ist hat er besondere Kräfte. Und zwar kann er, solang seine Kunden berauscht sind, in deren Gedanken eindringen. Dort sieht er beim Fischer diese Sache mit dem König. Er suggeriert dem Fischer einen Plan wie der König getötet werden könnte. Als der Fischer erwacht überreichter ihm einen Dolch mit den Worten: Vergiss nicht was du in deinem Traum gehört hast"


My name is snake,well maybe you've heard this name before.
This is how the call me snake, it's easy to learn, it's hard to forget.

They say I'm a crook. The wife and the apple they blame it on me.
Still they come to me to taste my poison and to drift away

So call me snake

Taste my stuft and taste my wine sit down beside me and have a good time,
good, good time

I'm here with you, dara da dardam, close your eyes give me your dreams
You will be free if you do what you've got to do

They call me snake

In your dreams I see a rose lying in the mud.
In your dreams I feel the pain deep inside your heart.
Childrens laughter, sunny days, miracle nights full of stars.
Endless waters, endless shores and peace in your heart.

And so take this dagger and hide it quite well, its good to have this cold friend.
There may come the day, there may come the time and you will cross the line

Now you are back, you've got to remember what you saw in your head
it's time to go, don't forget what you've got to do.

And don't forget snake

Your eyes are burning, you hunger for blood,
your fever is rising but you can't stop it now.
A sailing moon in the deep dark sea,
the moment you've waited is finaly here.

Waiting For The Dawn

Nach der Begegnung mit Snake und dessen Einflüssen ist der Fischer überzeugt: Der König hat den Tod verdient. Die Ratten, die den König schon ein Weilchen beobachten, haben dessen Schwachstelle in Form der regelmäßig stattfindenden Orgien herausgefunden. Diese dauern bis in die Morgenstunden wo alle - auch die Wachen - nur noch benommen rumliegen. Von Snake hat der Fischer den Dolch und den Mut zur Tat bekommen.

Nun ist die Nacht vor dem geplanten Mord auf den König und der Fischer wartet nur noch auf den Sonnenaufgang um sich zum Palast aufzumachen wo er keinen Widerstand erwartet. Er fühlt sich aber trotzdem nicht ganz Wohl bei er Sache, würd eigentlich lieber heimgehen, aber die Erinnnerung an seinen gemeuchelte Familie ist stärker.

Waiting For The Dawn

Sitting by the fire, waiting for the flames to die.
Starring into the fire, waiting for the last dance.
Uh,the final dance. Uh, how we dance.

The bottle on my lips, a magic potion warms my heart.
my fingers round its neck, as if it was a dragon sword.
Uh, fear my sword.

Watch the fire as long you can, learn its lessons while you can learn.

Sitting by the fire, waiting for the dawn.
The last glow has gone out, all eclipsed by the sun.
Uh, the final dance. Uh, wish you could be here.

Waiting for the dawn but running from the light.

No Friend Of Mine


Als der neue Tag anbricht macht sich der Fischer auf den Weg. Nach der nächtlichen Orgie liegen alle, auch die "Dogs", benommen herum. Es ist jetzt ein Leichtes in den Palast einzudringen. Snake hat ihn mit allem nötigen Wissen über die Räumlichkeiten versorgt und der Fischer findet den König der grad versucht sich aufzurichten.

Dieser bemerkt das ihm der Fischer an die Gurgel will und weist er ihn zunächst darauf hin das er zu diesem Fest nicht eingeladen wurde. Da sich der Fischer davon unbeeindruckt zeigt will ihn der König von der Unsinnigkeit des Vorhabens überzeugen. Beide, er und der Fischer, wären im Grund verwandte Seelen die nur nach Licht, Liebe und Anerkennung streben.Da dies auch nicht fruchtet beginnt der König um sein Leben zu betteln und verspricht Reichtum sowie die Gefügigkeit seiner Frau. Sogar seinen Sohn würde er opfern um selbst am Leben zu bleiben. Als er erkennt das seine Bemühungen ins Leere führen verhöhnt er den Fischer und fügt sich danach dem Unvermeidlichem. Er fühlt wie sein "Lebenssaft" ausläuft. Die beiden werden tatsächlich keine Freunde.Der Song ist aus der Sicht des Königs im "Jenseits "erzählt sowie dies schon bei "King" oder im Falle des Fischer bei "Changing Lives" passiert ist

No Friend Of Mine

When you came into my house you were not invited in.
When I heard the words you said i knew we never could be friends.
No you ain't, no you ain't, you ain't no friend of mine
No you ain't, no you ain't, a friend of mine

So you broke my golden china and you broke my golden heart
Then you took my pretty toys leaving tears in my eyes
No you ain't, no you ain't, you ain't no friend of mine
You ain't no, you ain't no, no friend of mine
dadadada ...

You've only done what you had to do
as I had to do what I have done, whatever I did

So can't you see that we are kindred souls ?
Surching for light, surching for love, ohhh love
Now every thing has changed

So I gave my wife to you, even killed my son for you
Shared my sweetest lies with you, I begged like a child would ,
but you, you would 'nt hear
Dadadada ...

When you came into my house I saw your silver dagger blink and when
its cold blade kissed my neck I felt my life was running out.
You ain't no, no, no friend of mine
You ain't, you ain't no friend of mine.

Party Song

Nachdem der Fischer den kleinen König getötet hat gilt er in der Stadt als der Held schlechthin und wird von einer Ehrung zur anderen geschleppt.

Für die unterdrückten Bewohner der Stadt (Sheep) ist er der Befreier. Die bisher dem König ergebenen Freunderln(Rats) und Söldner(Dogs)merken schnell woher der frische Wind weht und richten ihre Nasen neu aus.

Somit wird der Fischer der neue Oberboss, vergißt mit den Jahren sein Ideal vom "inneren Licht" und will nur noch nach außen glänzen. Ohne es zu bemerken wird er zum Ebenbild dessen den er erdolcht hat. Er beginnt die Bevölkerung zu tyrannisieren und feiert auf deren Kosten wilde Orgien. Eine Party nach der anderen zusammen mit seinen Schleimern und flotten Miezen. Motto: Party, Buddy, Body.

Hin und wieder gibts Momente wo ihm dies alles bewußt wird und er wünschte er wäre weit weg von dieser Stadt. Aber spätestens bei der nächsten Party das geht vorbei

Party Song

Party, buddy, body, party, party all the time.
Party, buddy, body, let your troubles behind.
House party, palace party, pool party, wet party, wet, wet,wet.

Once I had a problem and this is why I'm here.
I saw you had your troubles too and I tried to interfere.
I found out that our troubles were exactly the same.
If we could'nd have solve them now it would have been a shame.

Party, buddy, body, party all the day.
Party, buddy, body, parties all along my way.

With a little help I could have made the grade,
'cause I've got the knowledge and I've got the blade.
There were no guards around him, there were no signs of dogs.
And all this little boyfriends they jumped away like frogs.

Party, buddy, body, party all night long.
Party, buddy, body, some celebrations can't be wrong.
Open party, closed party, naked party, wet party, wet wet wet.

Its not easy to be drunken all the day, its not funny to be dizzy all night long.
I should stop this game as long I can.
Sometimes I wish to fly away, sometimes wish to hide in the shade.
Miles and miles from this city away, miles and miles from this monster I've made.

Party, buddy, body, the only reason here to stay
Party, buddy, body, well, maybe stay another day

I am the hero with the mop on his side.
My words are holy and I own the light.
I am the new king and you are my slaves.
So don't you think its over, it is all the same.

Party, buddy, body, let this party be mine.
Party, buddy, body, sweet love and wine.


Too Long In This City

Der Fischer, jetzt der neue King, hat endgültig die Schnauze voll von Reichtum, Macht und Ausschweifungen. Der Moment abzuhauen is nun gekommen.

Too Long In This City

I've been so long in this city, I let the years go by.
So long in this city, wasted so much time.
But don't blame me mister, blame this sweet girls behind.
Sex drugs and, sex drogs and, sex drugs and rock 'n roll.

Too long in this city, became fat and snug.
Too long in this city only interests for drugs.
Hey mister pushermann have you some good crack for me
Sex drugs and rock 'n roll,sex drugs and rock 'n roll, sex drugs and rock 'n roll, yeah.

Let us plan another party, let it happen in the sky.

I have enough of this city, it should have been burned down.
Fucking old city, get drowned in your piss.
Hey mister busdriver can you take me home?


Two Candles

Two Candles

So wie der Titelsong "Let There Be More Light" eine Einleitung zur Story war bringt "Two Candles" einen kurzen Rückblick in Form einer Parabel.

Statt der Menschen bekämpfen sich zwei Kerzen, jede von ihnen will heller leuchten und letzendlich trickst die eine Kerze die andere aus. Nur am Ende erkennt sie (=Fischer) wie sinnlos der Kampf war. Am Ende bleibt vom Triumph nichts über.

Two Candles

Two candles burned in their chambers connected by a small door.
One chamber was blinded and darkened, so its candlewas the only light
The other chamber had windows that brought daylight to the room.

So the fire oft this little candle seemed weak and poor

"See how my flame lights up the room" I heard the first one say
"The light that you give is not importend to me here and
therefore I will send you away"

"It is allright, it is allright, it is allright, it is allright, allright for me"

The first candle became very angry and told the wind to blow away
this cheeky thing that want listen to him must be punished real hard
The second candle quickly ducked down and the wind blew up the wrong.
Now only one candle to spend the light through day and through the night

Now as the years passed by and the moon stood high the candle said to me:
"My heart has grown older and my mind has grown colder, I think its time to leave"

"It is allright, it is allright, it is allright, it is allright, allright for me"
"It is allright, it is allright, it is allright, it is allright.
I'm ready to go, I'm ready to go, ready to go".


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