Strange Dreams

Eine gepflegte Sammlung obsukurer Träume
From There
Individual Immortality
All You Possess
This Painting By Leon
Strange Emily
Strange Dream
From There

From There
Here come the colors of my dreams
New kinds, no red, no blue, no green
Paint with me, teach my eyes, I'm a color too Yes I am
Here come the voices of my dreams
Sending vibes in tender streams
Sing with me, teach my ears, Help me to find the key inside, in me
Don't wake me, don't shake me, leave me where I am, I'm only sleeping
This could be a mighty dream, I'm watching sceens I'v never seen
Lets hope I remeber everything So I can tell you all about when I return
Here come the stories of my dreams
Mystic words, word that seem to gleam
Attracting you, amusing you. Big eyes, some smiles for me, for me
Bass - Kickback
Drums - Malt30
Keys - DocM
Mix - ZehnvorSechs
Master - SirTruesound
Gesang & Gitarren - Stonyroad
Indiviudal Immortality

Indiviudal Immortality
I can't talk, I can't move, the new jeans have to wait.
I'm paralized, caught in a cage, resigning to my fate.
The gods in white, they said to me "He is back again".
The world outside begins to spin and I fade away.
"You can't cut me off, you can't burn me down, in some cells I will survive."
"No beam will do, no poison will work, I will always stay alive."
He shares my day, rests in my head, deep in my mind.
He sings his songs into my ears, his shadow makes me blind.
He builds his home inside my house, takes my breath away.
Individual immortality and the final breakdown.
"You can't cut me off, you can't burn me down, in some cells I will survive."
"No beam will do, no poison will work, I will always stay alive."
talk - move - shadow - blind.
Individual immortality is the final game
Drums: Malt30
Keyboards : DocM
Bass: Kasi
Gesang und Gitarren: Stonyroad
All You Possess

All You Possess
Near the forest of the lost souls there once lived a man
A humble cottage, seven kids ,no place to live.
His kids where hungry , his wife was skinny as a rank
poor man, angry man working like a horse
But one fine day he met a stranger Dressed in black, without a face
And one fine day he heard a story About a land of golden streams
The Stranger, he said "give me all what you possess.
In change I'll give the secret map to you"
And after the contract was signed with blood
the way to the land was burned into his brain
He called his wife, he called his children
They left their home as fast as they can
They stole a boat to leave their island
Then they sailed into the dark
Hey man, did you know that I was the devil
Hey man, did you know that I ate your kids and took your wife
And now you're all alone in the sea of life the fish will eat your bones and I'll suck your mind
When the sun rose he was all alone
No kids ,no woman, no land, no new home
Sitting in his boat and watching the fish around
His eyes where emtpy and his mind was waving goodbye
And suddently he saw the stranger,
with bloody lips and taking his wife
And in his hands he holds a paper:
"give me all what you possess"
All you possess !
DocM: Keybords
Malt30: Drums
zehnvorsechs: Bass, Mix
Sinha:: Vocals
Stonyroad: Vocals, Gitarren
SirTruesound : Master
This Painting By Leon

This Painting By Leon
In front of a foreign landscape, resting on a chair.
Aa noble lady in a noble dress silenty watches the world
Her hair falls down like gentle rain onto her neck and chest.
Her clasped hands upon the rest, so tender and so soft.
Ah this painting by Leon, ah, the magic within.
Ah, this graceful lady, ah, so near and so far.
A veil made out of finest silk plays around her shape.
Shadows on her tender face, shadows on her breast.
I know that she smiles at me when I look into her eyes.
Allthough she never says a word I hear her thoughts inside.
Ah, this painting by Leon, ah, the magic within.
Ah, this graceful lady, ah, so near and so far.
Lovely Lady send your smile to me.
Strange lady open your heart for me.
Let me look into your eyes again.
Cold, cold eyes.
The peacefull face, the mild eyes the wisdom inside,
makes me believe she cares for me andlet me fall into.
Sitting between this strange land and me.
Lovely smiling as she says : "I'll protect you from this world".
Ah, this painting by Leon, ah, the magic within.
Ah, this graceful lady, ah, so near and so far.
Keys : Fitzwilliam
Bass: Kickback
Drums: Malt3
Backings: Sinha
Gitarren, Vocals: Stonyroad
Mix: Zehnvorsechs
Strange Emily

Strange Emily
Strange Dream

Strange Dream
Dark day, darker night, foreign garden, sticky light
Narrow paths, dead trees, scary noices and a black crow
There was no signs of her it was a fear I can't descirbe
in this strange dream
Behind an oak, a ruined house, an open door, sad old light
The noise of steps from inside, well known laughter from far away
Right before she was there now I can't see her anymore,
did you hide from me in this strange dream
May somebody help me, please let me know
If somebody sees her, please don't let her go
don't let her go, oh no
You stand before your open door, you don't hide it anymore
This days you won't let me in and all I see are true blue eyes
You know what I'm coming for, so Let me pass this fucking door
Once upon you were a friend of mine but once upon was another time
Why d'ont you let me in
Why d'ont you let me in, why don't you let me in, please let me in
Why d'ont you let me in, why don't you let me in, let me in
I'll take you home again, home again, even if you don't want
Whispered words, a door was closed, a starting car, someone left.
There was a room, a candle burned, I found a notice on a desk
Letters that I knew so well they said:
"you'll never hide me again, not in thousand years"
Asli - Bass, Akustikgitarre, Gitarre, Cello, Mellotron, Backings
Fitzwilliam - Piano, Orgel, Keys
Malt30 - Drums
Sinha - Backings
Stonyroad - Gesang und Gitarren
SouthsideB - Mix
SirTruesound -Master